How to effectively maintain crystal clear water quality?
At the same time, improve fish's health & rapid growth
while preventing infectious diseases to achieve better prevention with cure.

aquaDE a unique natural substances. It can effectively absorb heavy metals, residual faecal toxins and reduce the harmful effects of medicines in water. Provided multi-benefits for fish hobbyists with effectively maintaining crystal clear water quality, to promote healthy rapid growth, prevent infectious diseases, improve appetite & immune system to achieve better prevention than cure. Add aquaDE in fish diets as additive supplements, it helps to deworm and eliminate parasites, pathogens and infectious diseases. At the same time, fishes will ingesting multiple trace mineral elements, To promote healthy appetite and digestive system, to improve the fish scales gloss and colour.

aquaDE 60g

Retails Price
RM 18.00 (WM)

aquaDE 180g

Retails Price
RM 40.00 (WM)

aquaDE 600g

Retails Price
RM 95.00 (WM)

aquaDE Water Treatment – Discus
aquaDE Flowerhorn Treatment
aquaDE TriColor GoldFish
aquaDE 5th Anniversary Celebration

Application Method

aquaDE Water Treatment

aquaDE Water Treatment According the required dosage aquaDE add water and stir well, pour into the aquarium tank or sump tank. During treatment, the water will be milky white color. Turn on the filter circulatory system, about 4-6 hours water will slowly turn crystal clear. Apply during water change or every week once. Each time apply, replacement of 20% – 30% water to achieve better result. aquaDE effectively absorb heavy metals, residual faecal toxins and reduce the harmful substances of medicines. Purify crystal water quality, increases the amount of dissolved oxygen, prevents eutrophication. Frequently used can effectively promote the health of fish, prevent infectious diseases, improve appetite and immune system to achieve great prevention are better than cure.

* Stir well before apply. Every time water change or repeating every week once. During treatment water will get milky white, take several hours to be completely turn crystal clear. (Depending on tank size and filtration system)

aquaDE Mix with Fish Pallets or Live Baits

(Mealworm, Fish, Prawn Meat)

Use a empty bottle, add the required dosage aquaDE and fish pellets. Cover up the bottle tight, shaking and allow the aquaDE stick on surface pellets. aquaDE can mix with worm/ meat, wait 5-10 minutes let the worms/ meat fully absorbed before feeding. It helps to eliminate parasites, pathogens and infectious diseases. At the same time, fishes will ingesting multiple natural vitamins and minerals, promote appetite and digestive system, to improve the fish scales gloss and colour

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